We count with experience and expertise in structuring effective defenses, in the audit procedures and settlement of tax disputes. We attend your disputes in both the administrative and judicial areas, always ensuring the client’s understanding in the explanation and the scope of the actions.
We carry out an analysis of your financial and tax information by implementing viable plans under your current economic situation, trying to reduce the tax burden under all the legal and economic considerations, based on the integration of the wisdom of our interdisciplinary group of specialists.
We advise and accompany our clients in their punctual or structural decisions, recommending the improvement of fiscal processes seeking greater tax efficiency and the reduction of risk.
We carry out a review and audit to establish the extent and quality of the fulfillment of your formal obligations and substantial requirements in your statements, to identify problems, weaknesses or strengths, tending to avoid sanctions and/or to use all the benefits established in the law.
EXPERT TAX ADVICE AND COUNSEL (for accountants and revisers)
We support the professionals in accounting, financial and revisory departments, in making timely decisions, resolution of complex situations, being a consultative body and of defense of your professional interests and/or your customers.
Our team is available to advise